We've likely cancelled your order or refunded an item in your order due to not having available stock. We do our very best to ensure that all items on Staples.ca are available in our warehouse, so you can get your order quickly. On rare occasions, when products sell quickly, keeping the inventory current can be a challenge. In these situations, your item may not be available to ship and may get cancelled. We apologize for this inconvenience and understand how frustrating this can be.
When you place an order on our site, there is a preauthorization charge done on your credit card. These funds are a reserve your credit card puts aside and is only sent to us once you have the item in hand. Please allow up to 10 business days for your credit card company to transfer the funds back into your account. If you still don't see the funds in your account after 10 business days, please contact your credit card company.
For assistance with any cancelled item or order, please contact our Customer Service team by emailing us here or chat with one of our agents by clicking the "Help" icon at the bottom right of the page and someone will be happy to assist.
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